Do you really buy auto insurance? how to buy auto insurance is the most appropriate
As cars become more and more popular, driving a vehicle becomes one of everyone's necessary skills。 Car on the road more and more, also means that the car accident also gradually increase, his car is indispensable vehicle insurance, not afraid of ten thousand and they were afraid of one thousand, not an accident choose good, an accident insurance still has a great role。 Today, how to choose car insurance is the most appropriate! What kind of insurance do you have? Insurance is divided into two kinds, one for compulsory insurance, the other for commercial insurance。 As the name suggests, compulsory insurance is compulsory by the state: motor vehicle traffic accident liability compulsory insurance, also known as compulsory insurance。 Commercial insurance is made by the insurance company to supplement the insurance, the choice of commercial insurance is decided by the owner。 Commercial risks include basic risks and additional risks, among which the basic risks...